Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ten reasons you should be in an ACC dance class this year!

You might need to sign up for a dance class at ACC if…

1. You find yourself dancing to the radio in your car:
Dance your heart out in Roxy’s Jazz Dance II (Tuesdays and Thursdays at Rio Grande from 9:00-10:20). Whether you’re looking to improve your technique or you just want to start your mornings off with some sass and rhythm, this class will get your heart rate through the roof.

2. You want to start dancing but don’t know where to start:
Can’t recommend Dance Improvisation I with Catherine enough (Tuesdays and Thursdays at Rio Grande from 12:45-2:50). You don’t need any previous experience. Just show up and join a bunch of friendly folks who want to dance!

3. You’ve taken a break from dancing and you’re dying to get back:
Treat yourself with Darla’s Dance Improvisation II (Mondays and Wednesdays at Rio Grande from 7:15-8:35). Enjoy a conditioning warm-up with elements of yoga, Pilates, and Feldenkrais followed by a structured dance jam. Keep your fingers crossed for the occasional massage day as well!

Previous faculty work at ACC

4. You call yourself a dancer:
You need to take Julie’s Anatomy for Dancers (Fridays 2:00-4:30). Real talk, if you’re serious about dancing for the rest of your life you need to know how to move your body without incurring injuries. In Julie’s class though, you get to skip the part where you fall asleep during lectures and just go to the part where you learn about your body through movement and touch.

5. You’re a little bit of a diva and need your stage time:
Dance Performance Workshop with Darla gives you the chance to perform a new faculty work on the stage at the end of the semester (Mondays and Wednesdays at Rio Grande 4:50-7:00). Get more than your shot at the spotlight from this class though; Darla emulates a company experience. By show time, you’ll have found a new dance family!

6. Being on the stage sounds fabulous, but you kinda just want some studio time:
Modern Dance II with Catherine puts you in the studio three days a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Rio Grande from 12:10-1:40). Put your lunch break to good use this semester and improve your technique with this class.

7. You’re feeling a little burnt out on the technique classes:
Come at dance with fresh eyes in Introduction to Dance Composition with Julie (Mondays and Wednesdays at Rio Grande from 12:10-2:20). Get out of the rut and explore the creation of movement in this class!

Trio from a past Choreographers' Showcase

8. You secretly dream about being the next Pina Bausch:
If you love choreographing and you’re ready to see your work set on a real stage, Darla’s Dance Composition class is perfect for you (Tuesdays and Thursdays at Rio Grande from 3:00-5:05). Spend the semester composing movement, holding your own rehearsals and finish off with a production of your work on the stage at the Choreographers’ Showcase!

9. The choreography class sounds amazing… but who is Pina Bausch?
You’re going to need to take José Bustamante’s History and Appreciation of Dance (Tuesdays and Thursdays either 10:30-11:50 at Pinnacle or 1:30-2:50 at Rio Grande). Learn why dance is the way it is today because of all the amazing yesterdays we’ve had.

10. You want to make a little dance history of your own?
ACC is an incredible home to start from. It’s one of the most affordable places to learn to dance in Austin and boasts a roster of fabulous teachers known throughout the Austin community. If you love to dance, sign up today and share this list with friends and family!

You only have until January 14 to register for classes, so no stalling allowed!

Get registration help here and see the full schedule here.

Pictures by José Bustamante.